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Iceland – Beer Spa

February 12, 2018 | Ian Kalinowsky

It is common knowledge that Scandinavians love to partake in the ritual of hot tubs and saunas. In Iceland, which is blessed with an unlimited amount of hot water, created geothermally, hot tubbing or “going to the pool” is a most common ritual. What is uncommon is the newly opened BEER spa! It opened in July 2017 in the northern part of the country, just outside of Akureyri in the Troll Peninsula, the spa is an amazing place. Hot tubs filled with beer that you sit in while simultaneously pouring yourself a craft beer to drink and enjoy.

Soaking in beer has been enjoyed in Europe for centuries. Some of the reported benefits include:

  • Improves damaged skin cells
  • Improves eczema and other skin conditions
  • Exfoliates and improves elasticity
  • Reduces wrinkles and hydrates the skin
  • A great conditioner for your hair

So the routine that we followed was:

  • Soak in beer in a tub built for two for 25 minutes
  • Pour a pint to stay internally hydrated
  • Get out and retire to relaxation room to be wrapped up and allow the beer to soak in
  • After a brief snooze, head out to the beautiful outdoor area where you can soak in normal water while gazing across the fjord of the Porvalds Valley

Ian soaking in a beer tub

A truly relaxing experience!!!!