Our Blogs

A Note from our President, 13 May 2020

May 13, 2020 | Ian Kalinowsky

Dear clients,

The last few weeks have been unusual, there’s no doubt about it!

The travel industry, in general, all but shut down within a matter of days. But, the work for our travel business didn’t disappear, as we had clients who we needed to help get home. And there were lots of future trips to be rescheduled or cancelled. Difficult decisions had to be made as to staffing levels and, after discussions with each staff member individually by phone, many were temporarily laid off. During that time we kept in touch through weekly updates about what was happening in our offices in Winnipeg and Edmonton; news from our suppliers and the status of various government programs. I shared as much information as I possibly could, to keep all of our team members “in the loop”.

My staff members, those who were still working and those who were laid off, continued to communicate with one another, to share information about files or news, or just to say “Hi, thinking of you”. It was heartwarming to see the comradery between colleagues during a tough time.

Honestly, what I most enjoyed forwarding was client feedback received; emails and notes thanking our consultants for their professionalism and assistance during an extremely difficult and challenging time. Those notes of thanks and encouragement were worth more than anyone could imagine!

Now, I’m happy to say that our staff have been recalled and are pretty much all working from home, although a few of us do come in to the office each day.

I feel a strong sense of community within our office, within our business and within the travel industry as a whole. We will get through this and come out the other side, of that I have no doubt. We’re stronger together!

We are here for you, to help you Create Your Best Days Ever!   Get in touch with us anytime!

Warm regards and please take good care of yourself and your families,

R. Ian Kalinowsky,
President &  Owner