George Henry Hambley, Canadian Light Horse Brigade, WWI

George Henry Hambley (1896-1983) My Uncle George enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force at age 18, on the 13 October, 1915 at Camp Sewell (which later became Camp Hughes), near Carberry, MB. He served in France, Belgium, and Germany and was involved in some major battles including Ypres, Mons, Cambrai, …

High Arctic Explorer

In the mythical far reaches of the Arctic lie Inuit homelands journey in comfort from Qausuittuq (Resolute Bay), Nunavut to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. Visit the Arctic at the height of its colourful summer! This trip was formerly the Arctic Safari as seen on Mighty Cruise Ships.

Max Ward, a True Canadian Aviation Pioneer

When I read the news reports yesterday saying that Max Ward, the founder of Wardair had died at age 98, I felt very sad and nostalgic. It feels like the end of an era in Canadian aviation, the passing of an honourable gentlemen of aviation and royalty in the Canadian …

Doorways to Game of Thrones® Country

Anyone who is a Game of Thrones® fan will know that much of the filming of the blockbuster HBO series took place in Northern Ireland. You can visit many of the locations on excellent guided day tours out of Belfast or multi-day tours, for a more in-depth experience. And many …

Best of Norway

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Deep-blue fjords, breathtaking mountains, glimmering glaciers, and flowing waterfalls… these are natural wonders you expect to see in Norway, and on this Norway tour, you’ll experience all of this and more.  A highlight of this tour is a breathtaking ride on the Flåm railway, one of the world’s most scenic train rides, which passes through 20 tunnels and climbs to an elevation of 2,833 feet (864 meters).

What’s New Archives

Read our current newsletters. Read the updates from our President, Ian Kalinowksy on his blog page.   Company News – 2019: Great Canadian Travel Group signed a partnership agreement with Indigeno Travel, 13 November, 2019: Ian Kalinowsky and Allison Silvaggio are attending the International Indigenous Tourism Conference in Kelowna, BC. …

Australian Rail Expeditions

In a bygone era, travelling by train was a way of life in many areas of the world, and Australia was no exception. Now, it’s a relaxing, enjoyable way to see so much more of the landscape than by flying, while travelling in comfort. You can sit back and watch the passing scenery through panoramic windows.



South Pacific Snow Bird Long Stay Holidays

Not everyone loves our Canadian winters, right? Some of us like to be Snow Birds and fly south for a break from the cold weather, shoveling snow and building snow men (we prefer shoveling sand and building sand castles, thank you very much!). Here are just a few great South Pacific Long Stay options to consider for your own, personal getaway, but we can custom-design a personalized escape just for you, to any destination you choose.

Iceland Adventure Tours

Iceland has so many exciting active touring options for such a small country. Here’s just a small sampling of what we can arrange for you, as part of your personalized Iceland adventure experience.

Trip - Destinations: Iceland Travel Ideas:

Take a Closer Look – Iceland

Iceland, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace, is the most peaceful country in the world. It is home to just under 350,000 people and is also the most sparsely populated country in Europe. For an island with an area of 103,000 sq. km (40,000 sq. mi), this country …