
Maija Lutz

October 28, 2014 | Archived Blogs

maija_lutzOur Best of the Arctic trip was fantastic! The day we arrived it was very windy and people doubted if we could go on the water the next day. But by the next morning it was just fine and off we went, getting back seven hours later. We had lunch on one of the little islands and stopped off a few other times. We saw narwhals, but couldn’t get close enough to them for good photos, because people from some other community were hunting there. Repulse Bay had already reached its quota of 72. But the several polar bears we saw more than made up for that, including the mom and her cubs swimming near our boat. Seeing those bears in their natural environment was just something really special and magical and hard to put into words. So, do you think we had a fantastic trip? You bet we did. Did we have any downsides? Things like two two-hour delays on Calm Air and a few bites from some mega-insects are small potatoes compared to what we gained from this trip. Thank you for arranging such a wonderful adventure for us!